
Prospective Students

Our work is published routinely in the best venues, but more importantly, our work strives for elegance and impact, both conceptual and practical. Our group has open positions for PhDs, MPhils, postdocs, research assistants, and visitors. If you are interested in our group, please drop me an email.

Our recent topics and the related papers:

  1. AI for SE: LLM for code, AIOps
  2. SE for AI: LLM safety
  3. Software testing: graph database, retromorphic testing

CUHK-SZ Undergrads: Our team is happy to work with excellent undergraduate students. Interested students are encouraged to contact me for details. To help match you with suitable projects and mentors, please share your general interests, a copy of your recent resume/CV, copies of your transcripts, and any other relevant information.

Good Advices for Research Students:
How to Read a Paper?
Tips on Writing a Research Paper
You and Your Research


(Only first-author papers are listed for graduate students)

PhD Student

  • Boxi Yu, 2021.9-Present
    • B.S. and M.S. Gifted Class, South China University of Technology
    • Publications: ISSTA22, ISSTA23, ESEC/FSE23, ICSE24
  • Youliang Yuan, 2022.9-Present
    • B.S. Tongji University, M.S. Wuhan University
    • Publications: ICLR24, COLING24 (Oral)
  • Junjielong Xu, 2022.9-Present
    • B.S. Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    • Awards: 1st Prize in CUMCM, Finalist in MCM
    • Publications: ESEC/FSE23, ICSE24(x2)
  • Zhiqing Zhong, 2023.9-Present
    • B.S. South China University of Technology
    • Publications: ICSE25

MPhil and MSc Student

  • Boyin Tan
  • Ruiyu Zhou
  • Zhouruixing Zhu

Research Assistant

  • Aoyang Fang: ASE23 InchTrack, ICSE24
  • Qingshuo Guo: NUS RA
  • Qiuyang Mang: ESEC/FSE23, ICSE24, NUS RA
  • Haowen Yang
  • Siyu Yu: TSC23, ESEC/FSE23
  • Songhan Zhang
  • Sihang Zhao


  • Ying Fu
  • Dinghua Wang: ICSE24


I am grateful that I have the privilege to advise the following brilliant students:

Fangda Chen, Wuzhou Du, Wenhan Hu (ESEC/FSE23), Jiaqi Li (ISSTA23), Lu Li, Zhengda Li, Xiaoyuan Liu (UIUC Summer Research), Chihao Shen, Lei Tian, Haoxuan Wang, Yiming Xiong, Yixing Yang (ISSTA23), Jiayi Yao (ISSTA22, ICSE24, UIUC Summer Research)

Note: If I missed any of you accidentally, please do email me (and forgive me). Please also let me know your latest status.


  • Zhijing Li (Postdoc, 2021-2023, next: Researcher, Shenzhen University)


  • 2023: Yiyan Hu (ESEC/FSE23, UCSD Master), Zhijun Huang (Cornell Master), Yifan Wu (Rice Master), Ruichun Yang (UCSD Master)
  • 2022: Haotian Xie (ICSE24,

Research Assistants

  • Zhiqing Zhong (next: CUHK-SZ PhD)
  • Yusheng Huang
  • Jianbo Yu (next: Southeast University PhD)
  • Qijing Shen (next: University of Oxford PhD)
  • Clara Meister (01.2019 – 02.2020, coadvised by Zhendong Su, next: ETH Zurich PhD)
    • Publications: ICSE21, ESEC/FSE20, ICSE20
  • Rohan Parag Shah (Winter 2020, coadvised by Zhendong Su, next: CMU Master)
  • Shashij Gupta (Summer 2019, coadvised by Zhendong Su, next: Edverhub Founder)